Building Rituals Together

Torah at the Table is your home for recipes, activities, and texts that can help your family connect over the dinner table.

Nourish your family.

Nourish your soul.

Each week, I’ll post a family-friendly recipe and explain how it connects to the Torah portion for that week. I’ll also post ideas for activities you can do with your kids right at the dinner table to help them explore both the food and themes from the Torah. These might be games, conversation questions, or even stories you can share.

Bring new life to your family’s traditions, or create something that is all your own. These tools are for you.

About Me

Hi! I’m Deb. I’m a professor of Religious Studies and mom to two incredible little kids.

I grew up with Friday night meals as a special family time, but when I had children of my own, I found it hard to recreate that experience. Torah at the Table is the Jewish parenting resource I wish I had. Friday night dinners with my children are still hectic, but I savor these little moments of connection. I hope you do too!

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